The Picture Journal

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Kyle Soller

Kyle Soller

What’s the best idea you’ve had that you found out already existed? I’m not sure you could call …
Lucy Boynton

Lucy Boynton

If you had to pick any job in film other than actor, what position would you pick? I would definitely be a casting director. …
Nicholas Galitzine

Nicholas Galitzine

Have you ever won a contest unrelated to acting? I have won a few competitions most of which were related: I went to a …
Jing Lusi

Jing Lusi

Where is your favourite place to read a new script? In bed. I am prone to emotional outburst when reading scripts, whether it be …
Michael Xavier

Michael Xavier

If you could watch the first ever performance of any play, which would you pick? Macbeth in 1605. I love the play and would love …
Sarah Winter

Sarah Winter

Do you think it would be easier to play someone you met/know or someone historically well-known but where there is very little information …